Was cruising SCS the other day and came across this charming butterfly box. The Wicked challenge was issued by Brenda Quintana who did a wonderful template for SU demos only on this box. I CASED this version from
http://flowerbug.typepad.com/my_weblog/2009/05/butterfly-box.html. Shamefully used the same paper, etc but I used different leaves and instead of crimped paper filler I used green Spanish Moss. I am now working on another one in Parisian Breeze. If you have any questions about this, let me know. I think it turned out pretty nifty and it wasn't hard at all.
It's so beautiful.
I think, this is good for my mother
Best wishes
Oh Mary this is lovely. Makes me want to create, but alas that will have to wait yet a few days. Almost all packed out so construction restoration can begin. Loved all the wonderful samples you sent me. You are so creative. Hugs!
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