Monday, May 18, 2009

Pond Progress

Don't forget: you can click on any picture to see it bigger!!
Here's a few shots I took around dinner time today. My son is a genius I swear! I know I'm bragging but he has done this whole pond with so much planning and thought and attention to detail. The rocks are looking wonderful and you can't see the liner at all at the edge. It's a special "professional" way of edging. The water comes right up over the bottom layer of rock covering the liner everywhere. It takes time but it looks so nice when it's done. I can't wait to start landscaping with plants and shrubs. Fish won't be transferred for probably another week or two, although the water has only needed pond salt. Otherwise ph and other parameters are really good. But boy am I tired. of hauling rocks around the back yard. Those suckers are much heavier than the slate we used on the old pond. I think eventually we will close the smaller pond and perhaps make a fountain there surrounded by flowers. I just love how this is turning out and I love my son for the wonderful job he is doing, while holding down a demanding full time job of his own I might add! Hope you all enjoy the pictures!



Carin said...

lovin it!

Anne Anderson said...

This is so beautiful. Great job on it... so peaceful !

Winnie and Patty said...

Oh Mary--how lovely. We are going to put a pond in at our house in TX when we move back. You have done a wonderful job on this!!!! Take care--Patty

Joan Fricker said...

Wow Mary it is going to be so nice. Your son is doing an awesome job!
